
Monday, November 1, 2021

labour weekend


Labour weekend is where there is a long weekend. we had Monday off so I will illuminate what I did in the weekend.while it was labour weekend I went shopping with my mum. We were actually having a movie night then, we got food for it such as popcorn, drinks ext. but unfortunately I didn't really do much for the long weekend. On the more fortune-net, I went out for a bike ride with my dad and brothers. After that my legs were unbearable. 

While this weekend happened I also watched a documentary, it was called Touching the Void. In this documentary I learnt how far humans can go. In this documentary it was a story about 2 guys climbing a mountain, but one fell. He fell into a a cave and got out somehow. But onto something different, I played some video games. In these video games i finished one of the levels. When I did this i was exploading with euphoria. 

Also I was doing Sudoku and a completed a harder one. I also did alot of puzzle type stuff over the weekend. 

I hope you enjoyed,

thank you. 

Friday, October 1, 2021


I want to find out how to make hockey pokey. 



5 table spoons sugar
2 table spoons golden serrip  
1 table spoon of baking soda
1 mixing spoon
baking paper
get your equipment
turn on oven
put your pot on oven
add sugar with golden sirup to the pot
mix with mixing spoon 
when it starts the sugar starts to boil turn off oven
add baking soda and mix
pour the mixture onto the baking paper
let it cool 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Eel facts.

 Hello everyone.

This is a blog about a DLO. In this DLO I have done Eel facts, this is because we have been reading a book called Uncle Don Knows Lots of Wacky Things. In this book there are lots of facts, most of them is about NZ and how to keep things safe and general knowledge about animals, detestation and there was even a few pages on sand dunes.

Here is my slide show

Thanks to everyone who read it. I hope you all enjoyed this I sure did. We also had to pick a topic on the slide. I picked Eels because there was a creek I use to go to which, you guessed it, had Eels in a part of it. I actually have been scared of Eels, even just thinking about touching them. So I guess I have all ways had a interested of them.

 I hope you enjoyed, goodbye.

Friday, September 24, 2021

hands on fire


 I wan to set my hands on fire safely.


  • safety glasses
  • soup
  • hoes
  • gas
  • cantaner 
  • water


  1. get your equipment
  2. put your safety glasses on
  3. fill the cantaner with water
  4. put some soup in to the water.
  5. coneck the hoes to the gas tap then the water
  6. turn on the gas tap
  7. wet your hands    to your elbows
  8. with two hands stoop the bobbles
  9. exstend your arms in front of your face and make your hands into a cup
  10. do not pull your hands away
  11. lit the bobbles with fire
  12. if you get scared go slowly open your hands into the iron man pois
now that were done with that I will show you when i did it.

when we did it I saw a giant ball of orange flame that was like lava going up my arms then it started waving in front of my face and my heart was beating faster then it every had and it kind-a felt like it was burning me, the class was shouting in excitement when the fire was crackling. With the smell of the gas burning.  

heres the vidoe of it:
thank you for reading

Red cabbage experiment

hello everyone. 

I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid.




hydrochloric acid

soduim hydroxide

red cabbage

hot water


test tubes

different samples for testing


gather equipment

rip the cabage into small peceis

put them into a beaker 

add hot water

after a little boiling it should turn vilot

after it does get the dropper and suck up sonme of it

then put in a test tube and out deffrent amounts of the hydrochloric acid then soduim hydroxide.


this is our science. In this science class we are doing chemistry. This time I have learnt on how to test if something is more an acid or a base. we tried this with a red cabbage and when we put acid or  base in. it could change colours with what we put in, if it was more on the acid side then it would be red, orange, and green. if the base it would be blue vilot and indigo. the acid was hydrochloric acid soduim hydroxide. Acid can be nutaralised by bases and that is why it changes colour.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Dune animals.

 Hello and welcome to my blog. 

Today I will be shear you what I have been doing in one of my classes. We have been learning about sand dunes and we are now making a DLO to do with it. We also read a book to go along with , since we are  reading.

The topic for my DLO is animals that might live in the dunes. There were a few species of these desert animals. There were animals from little lizards. I hope you like my slide show that I made. 

 here is my work

I really liked this. I have found this very interesting and I like learning more about animals. My Favorited one was the jackal. I like most animals like that. Some of these facts really surprised me as I hope they did for you. I used slides carnival it is a site were it gives you more formats for slides. thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

letter in a bottle

 hi everyone

today I will  be shearing a story with you. its about a bottle and where it has been and gone.

here it is: I see a bottle gently go past me, floating  closer and closer. The second It did, a war ship came past me and shot roaring cannonballs at me. It knocks into the water,  sweeping me away. The water knocks me out.  Each wave feels like a rhino stepping on me. I woke up on  an island.  I throw the  bottle, but just before I see a letter in the bottle and wonder what it said. 


The  bottle now rests on a shore, with seashells. Many Years passed  but the bottle remained there. Until a hooded man came across it. The man picked it up with confusion. He looked at it, he threw it with a blast behind  it and it flies into the sea. It gently brushed against the sea. 

The bottle rushed through the sea, hitting fish. It serfecs on a pirate ship that almost looks like an abandoned one. But there were people in the wrecked boat. They were all unconscious but they slowly raised one by one. One of the pirates. Told the captain there was a bottle in the sea. The captain's hook hand could reach out. So he does so and picks the bottle up. He nearly opens it but a man with a sword leaps at the boat and destroys it even more. The bottle flys with him to a faraway place. 

The man with the sword picks it up, thinking it's junk. But he didn't know what treasures that lay in its words. The man dropped it in sharp. There was a tall tail about this bottle. It was rather famous in different places. Then one of these people who believe the tall tail sees the bottle.  The boy cowares in front of it and goes back to his village. When he returns some bandits are holding flags with bottles engraved into them. The boy hollers at the people say he knows where the bottle is. 

The bottle getting in the hands of the bandits looks weak and cracked. The bandits pop open the bottle and they read what's inside. The man reading this story from the bottle is shocked at first but then he whispers finally, I've found it again.

Friday, August 13, 2021


Hello everyone. 

I am doing science today and we have learnt how to make ginger bear. The aim of this experiment was to see how things ferments.



1 Styrofoam cup

luck warm water







first out water in

put a little bit of sugar and lemon juice in

let it ferment for 10 minutes

put a spoon full of ginger in 


it tasted  kind of spicy and after a day it kind of tasted like alcohol . this was proble becuase  it was fermenting. it did this since there is a way to make alcohol with these ingredeunts. and when you leave something like that out then it would ferment. This normaly happends i n dark places. you can change the taste of this by putting more ginger for a spaceyer taste or more lemon or sugar for a sweeter taste. but anyway this is gonna be it from me thank you. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Accent Olympics

Hello everybody.

In one of my classes we have been learning about the accent Olympics. As you proble now the Olympics have been going on for the last couple weeks. So in my class we have been learning about the Olympics and how they started. The Olympics started with Greeks. They named it after one of there city's Olympia. But this blog post is about a video on a puzzle we have made to learn more about the Olympic. 

Here it is:
I learned a lot more about the Olympics. I also like to learn accent Greek and looking at this was really fun. I want to now more accent sports if there are any more. Thank you for reading and i hope u enjoyed and leave a comment.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

flavor taste testing

 Hello everyone.

i want to find out how things taste.



blind fold
unknown food

get your equipment
put your blind fold
taste test the food
guess if it is sweet sour spicy bettor salty
guess what food it is 
record your observations

when I ate a lime gummy it felt sweet and when i blocked my nose the sweetness went and  it felt kind-a bitter.
when i ate the next thing it tasted like soured at first when my nose was blocked but after it tasted more like vomit.
when i ate baking soda it tasted bitter and it was more at the back of my tough and i also blocked my nose it didnt really change much.
when i ate salt it tasted like the sea.
when i ate sugar it was sweet and when i blocked my nose it didnt really change again.
when i ate chebet with no falover and it fizzed in my mouth. 

Most of your taste actually needs your since of smell.  about 80% of it reqauers this. It usely tasted more bitter. I did see this before but didnt really belive but after this I do.  I tasted it more in secpethic parts of my tongue with my nose blocked. It shows who your nose is that importaint. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

history of music

Hello, welcome everyone.

We have been looking at music of decades. In this class we have made a slide show on music throw I have not finished yet, I will be shearing with you one of my Favorited slides I have made on it. This slide is the 1940's, in this year, The most popular music was jazz. There were many other years like this. 

In this decade there was a song named chattanooga cho cho, I went over who made the song, what the band of the song was and other things along that line. I also went over what song general's. in the song, there was a conversation at the start of the song, and for me that makes it feel like there telling us more about the world there in.

Here is my work:

This was just a small portion of what we have done in this class, but I still enjoyed it. I liked how we got to learn more about different songs, because I didn't know much about song in the 1900"s but now I now a lot more. If I was not in this class I would now a lot less about his stuff. Thank you for reading and I hope you give me feed back goodbye.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Counting the beat-Ukulele

Hello everyone.

In our counting the beat class we have been learning about different instruments. The one we are looking at currently moment is the Ukulele. we've learnt about different types of the Ukulele such as soprano concert tenor and baritone,differenting in size. these arent the only types, But there are to many to say them all. We have Also learned a little how to play them. Also we've looked at different types of the instrument, which i will show u now.

The first part of this is the tuning heads were as you could of guess by the name, tune's the string of the ukulele, by tightening it. The strings them self's which makes the sounds go though the big hole of the ukulele. The frights which depending on which one you hold down, changes the notes of it. Holding the strings in place is called the saddle which is held by the bridge.  
This photo will show you the bits to the ukulele that i have just told you about:

Well that will conclude my blog post, we did learn a little how to play it but sadly I was not here at the point. But I still got to learn about the ukulele which was fun. I myself would like to learn an instrument and i might. But that's all I have to share today. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

stand up-protests

 hello everyone.

I am going to be shearing with you a blog on what I have done in one of our classes. In this class we had to answer questions on an article about protest. It was called stand up protests. There where protests such as great struck women's rights and others. You can learn a little about all of these protest. I also did another blog on Kate Sheppard that I would wish you would read. Anyone here is what I have done for this blog.

1.What is the name of the law ensures we have a right to protest-The New Zealand bill of rights

2.when did soldiers invade parihaka-5th of noveber 1881 many women signed the suffrage petition-25,000 

4.what is new zealand most famous hakio-maroi land march 

On the pages 10-11,explain the meaning of  the following words-

Suffrage-the right to vote

Union- an organised group of workers that negotiates with employers

for better pay and working conditions

Watersiders-a person who works on a wharf

Choose one of the protest from the article and summarize it in your own words-strikes are a great form of

protesting, this form of protest was used by waterside in 1913. They did this mainly because there work

place was unsafe, also to support sacked coworkers. There were also a fight who would have the most

power the unions or the employers.

Page 13 posses an interesting scenario-imagien you are involved in a fight with your boss and then

the government puts laws in place that makes you get punished.One of these punishments are that people

are not allowed to give you feld.

How would you feel-like i would like to do something about it

What would you do-try and get the government to change this law

Was the watersiders protest successful-no

1.when you read this article what does it remind you of-justice

2.have you ever seen or been in a protest-no i have not

Make a billboard on a protest you would have been in.       

My favert part of this was the part where i got to make my own billboard for a protest even though it was not very good. Well i enjoy making this but this is where we have to part ways goodbye, I hope you leave a comment.

PE -netball

 Hello everyone.

We have been learning how to play a game called netball. You have probably heard of this game. We were learning how to play this game but the most important rule is that you cant move with the ball. I learnt most of the things I now about netball in this class. I liked playing the games because we got to do a lot of moving around, and this game takes team to get goals because you have to pass it between player to player. The main focus of the game is to get the ball into the goal like many other sports, but with netball you have to pass the ball from player to player because you cant move with the ball and it will take a few people to make it to the other teams goal. you also cant dribble (bonce the ball when you have it) even when your standing. But over all I enjoy playing this game and I hope i can learn others in P.E as well.

I hope you have enjoy reading this blog and comment as well. 


counting the beat - stomp

Hello everyone.

I will be shearing what we did for out counting the beat class.

In this part of our class counting the beats. my group had some of my friends. We made the music out of class room items such as pencils,books and other school supplies. One of our group members would hit there item every time I did. Another hit theirs constantly. Also one just hit his shoe everything time I hit the side of my bucket. Over time we change how it sounded and change are instruments, like I was only hitting the top of my bucket at first but then I changed it to all of them.

We really liked doing this it was very fun to change and develop are music, we all changed what we did in some way. It was hard to come up with what we would do at the start, but when we did get started we just added to the first beat. Well I hope you leave a comment and enjoyed my blog goodbye.

Kate Sheppard

 Hello everyone.

I will be sharing my Kate Sheppard work with you that we have had. In this we answered questions on Kate Sheppard. She is someone who started women's rights and this blog will show how she did this and questions on it. I hope you enjoy my work here it is.

Here's mine:

1- Where was Kate Shepard born?- She was born in Liverpool England 

 2- Why was Kate Shepard placed on the ten dollar note?- Because she started women's rights and she did a big part in it also 

WCTU stands for?

Women's Christina Temperance Union 

What are three actions that Kate Sheppard took for her quest of equality?- Started a petition for equal rights, she talk to the parliament, she collected signatures from 3200 people.

True or False

1- Kate Sheppard was born in 1847 true or false true 

2 Australia was the first to let women vote true or false false

3- Nearly 3200 women signed the women's right to vote true or false true

4-Kate Sheppard is 20 Note true or false false

5-Kate Sheppard born in 1847, started the women's rights movement it was helped by her doing such as getting 3200, talking to the parliament and much more. New Zealand was the first to get this law thanks to Kate Sheppard. Because of her actions she is on the new Zealand 10 dollar note.

1-Sheppard travelled all over New Zealand, writing to newspaper, holding public meetings and talking to members of parliament

Using the word bank below fill in the gaps to complete the sentence

1-Many men did not believe women should be able to vote

2-Kate Sheppard collected 32000 signatures in a petition 

3-Sheppard featured on a postage stamp and in 1999 her image was 

4-Placed on the 10 dollar note

5-In the paragraph below highlight the key words

6-In 1893 Kate Sheppard and her collated the signatures of nearly 3200 women and men to show how many people supported their cause. They also had the support of the prime minister at the time. This potion was 270 metres long.

  Write six of the man points in the story

1.Kate Sheppard started women's rights

2. She gets put on the $10 note 

3. Women and men are equal

4. Women and men should be equal

5. Sheppard travelled all over New Zealand to make women and men equal

6.3200 women and men think we should be equal

Make a book cover

I hope you enjoy this and read to the end goodbye.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

 hello everyone. 

In this blog I will be shearing with you what I did for our class about hero more sepsis we made an news paper architect on a hero of our own. I made an article about how Pooh stolen the honey from the tree in the middle of the forest but I wont spoil the hole thing. We also had to make interviews with charters if you have watch the show you will be seeing some familiar faces. but I will let you read the news paper now.

thank you for reading I hope you leave a comment. 


Friday, April 16, 2021


 Hello everyone.

Today we will be looking at a project I have been working on. In our inventions class we were making an invention. My invention is a cat cage but with a scratching pole in the middle. I made this because my cat has had kittens recently and if we were going in the car or travelling I think it would give them a thing to play with instead of meowing the whole way. I made mine in a website called Tinkercad. This website is a 3D modelling site, where it gives you blocks and you can stretch the blocks or make them bigger and much more. Also there are pre-made items such as tables , chairs and much more. There is also a list of catalogues which you can choose items from. The catalogues give subjects you can choose from such as characters. With that out of the way. 

Here is my work: 

this is the destine I went for as you can see the pole is pink with black sides and floor and top. thank for reading this far and I hope you have a wonder fall day, goodbye.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

gummy bear


I wan to find out what happens to Gummy Bears put them into defrent solution's

I think its going to grow and then turn into jelly.


  • 4x Gummy bears of the same colour
  • 2x Petra dish
  • 2x Paper towels
  • water suger water salt water
  • using the marker pen
get your equipment 
put on your safety glasses
using the maker pen write the name of the conditoin
weigh the gummy bear and write the wiegh on the petree dish
write your name on the paper
meager 40ml of the petreedish

discussion is when you talk about somthink 
in a group
Osmosis is the movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

sketle colour experment


I want to find out what happens when you put skettles in water.




petree desh

warm water


white background


get equipment

spred 8 skedles out on the petree dish

gently pour the water into the middle

odvserer/record it


I think it will the skedaddle will slowly mic together and make a brown mixer.

the colours did divoled and came out into the water going towords the meddles with all of the colours even in  the petree dish.

the colour disoveled:the colour reacted to the water makeing it desolve

why did the colours from the skittles colour spread out: the colours were consentrated and defussed and then spread out.

why do the colours not mix: the colours have deffren solubeltes. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


conical flask

it is use for hot liquids
it is use to