
Thursday, June 3, 2021

stand up-protests

 hello everyone.

I am going to be shearing with you a blog on what I have done in one of our classes. In this class we had to answer questions on an article about protest. It was called stand up protests. There where protests such as great struck women's rights and others. You can learn a little about all of these protest. I also did another blog on Kate Sheppard that I would wish you would read. Anyone here is what I have done for this blog.

1.What is the name of the law ensures we have a right to protest-The New Zealand bill of rights

2.when did soldiers invade parihaka-5th of noveber 1881 many women signed the suffrage petition-25,000 

4.what is new zealand most famous hakio-maroi land march 

On the pages 10-11,explain the meaning of  the following words-

Suffrage-the right to vote

Union- an organised group of workers that negotiates with employers

for better pay and working conditions

Watersiders-a person who works on a wharf

Choose one of the protest from the article and summarize it in your own words-strikes are a great form of

protesting, this form of protest was used by waterside in 1913. They did this mainly because there work

place was unsafe, also to support sacked coworkers. There were also a fight who would have the most

power the unions or the employers.

Page 13 posses an interesting scenario-imagien you are involved in a fight with your boss and then

the government puts laws in place that makes you get punished.One of these punishments are that people

are not allowed to give you feld.

How would you feel-like i would like to do something about it

What would you do-try and get the government to change this law

Was the watersiders protest successful-no

1.when you read this article what does it remind you of-justice

2.have you ever seen or been in a protest-no i have not

Make a billboard on a protest you would have been in.       

My favert part of this was the part where i got to make my own billboard for a protest even though it was not very good. Well i enjoy making this but this is where we have to part ways goodbye, I hope you leave a comment.

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