Hello everyone.
I will be sharing my Kate Sheppard work with you that we have had. In this we answered questions on Kate Sheppard. She is someone who started women's rights and this blog will show how she did this and questions on it. I hope you enjoy my work here it is.
Here's mine:
1- Where was Kate Shepard born?- She was born in Liverpool England
2- Why was Kate Shepard placed on the ten dollar note?- Because she started women's rights and she did a big part in it also
WCTU stands for?
Women's Christina Temperance Union
What are three actions that Kate Sheppard took for her quest of equality?- Started a petition for equal rights, she talk to the parliament, she collected signatures from 3200 people.
True or False
1- Kate Sheppard was born in 1847 true or false true
2 Australia was the first to let women vote true or false false
3- Nearly 3200 women signed the women's right to vote true or false true
4-Kate Sheppard is 20 Note true or false false
5-Kate Sheppard born in 1847, started the women's rights movement it was helped by her doing such as getting 3200, talking to the parliament and much more. New Zealand was the first to get this law thanks to Kate Sheppard. Because of her actions she is on the new Zealand 10 dollar note.
1-Sheppard travelled all over New Zealand, writing to newspaper, holding public meetings and talking to members of parliament.
Using the word bank below fill in the gaps to complete the sentence
1-Many men did not believe women should be able to vote
2-Kate Sheppard collected 32000 signatures in a petition
3-Sheppard featured on a postage stamp and in 1999 her image was
4-Placed on the 10 dollar note
5-In the paragraph below highlight the key words
6-In 1893 Kate Sheppard and her collated the signatures of nearly 3200 women and men to show how many people supported their cause. They also had the support of the prime minister at the time. This potion was 270 metres long.

Write six of the man points in the story
1.Kate Sheppard started women's rights
2. She gets put on the $10 note
3. Women and men are equal
4. Women and men should be equal
5. Sheppard travelled all over New Zealand to make women and men equal
6.3200 women and men think we should be equal
Make a book cover

I hope you enjoy this and read to the end goodbye.