Hi everyone I will be sharing my writing and art with you today.
Here it is:
I was walking down the street and I brushed my hand across the metal fence of the power plant, with barbed wire at the top. It seemed like it was a kilometre long. Then my friend John who always seemed to have a white lab coat on, and he never does his hair so it was always messy, he also has glasses that seem more like Goggle’s to me and messed up Jeans, John said “Wow, what happened to the power plant”.
I looked through the fence and There was green fog covering the sky coming out of the top of the power plant and slug all over the grand of the power plant. It was a large power plant with the fence going over the whole thing. Then we walked to the school that has rows of numbered class rooms on the outside and playgrounds and a field and other stuff like that in the middle. I go into my class and the teacher yells out ‘’listen up time for class then we will call the roll’!! (I won't bore you with the details of the school day) we walk home past the power plant and it's blocked off.
We went past the giant mall with many stores, it is 5 stories high , and then we went to our homes. I live next to him. My house had 2 stores and was made of bricks and a wooden roof with wooden stairs with rooms at the top of the stairs, the bathroom and kitchen were downstairs. We also have a basement but i dont go down there, my mum does the washing down there. I start taking off my uniform that is a black sult with a white button up shirt with soft sleeves going down my arms and black socks with shining black leather shoes with black jeans. Then I feel a thump and a bump and then a green light comes over me and it goes black
1 Year Later
I woke up ‘Huh’ what happened to me? My shirt is ripped and I have messed up my hair. I go around then I see a person with more than two eyes and an arm coming out of its back and dark green skin. I just stare at it silently as it walks past me. It had blood red eyes and the clothes were messed up like mine. Then I see a green crystal at my feet that looked like it had the life sucked out of it.
“Ok, what's happening,” I think to myself. I go down my stairs and I see my mum and I nearly broke down in tiers. See is one of them. I think to myself I need to find somewhere with more food. mum I will turn you back no matter what. I walk out of my house and step on the hard footpath and look around for my safety. It looks ok.
Then I walk around my neighborhood and try to find food. I go into one of the really rich houses and safe with $100,00 in it but that is useless but I take $10,000 just in case. I try to find a house with canned food or something like that. I look through my neighborhood and the fact that zombies could be around any corner in the night is pitch black so that does not make it better. I saw kids from my school turn into them. their parents too but no animals are zombies but there was a dog barking at one and it just went past. But I swear I looked at a bunnie last week and it was like one of these zombies but bunnie like. But then I got an idea I would go to the mall.
The shop is a supermarket and only the canned food is good to eat. I walk around a corner and I see a zombie. I jumped and landed on a pineapple and it squished. And it attacks me and I stab it with an umbrella in the head. It is like the heads are weaker than the normal human. I looked around some more, and found baked beans I made in the canned food section. Then I got a metal bat and led them out of the mall swinging the bat over and over again. Smashing windows then I trapped myself inside and I only saw 1 or 2 zombies every once and away.
What I did in the mall in the time I did not tell you about. So first I went around and got all the can food because it was the only good food there in the shop. Then I made a little base or more like a tiny town and it protected me against zombies for some reason they had a gun shop at the mall so I booked it to the shop. For entertainment I read Christmas cards or Easter. It does not take much beans to make them. For food 1 mI mostly ate the can beans because there my favrot can food. The town was kind of hard to make but it was not really a town.
I looked outside and the sweet blue sky was gone and replaced with a gloomy sky with dark clouds and no birds. It's been about a week and I have been living good but I to save the humans so i'm going out today to find something.I go out and find a car ark with the key still in it and the door broken off.then I see one of those crystals, I bring it back when I get back I get all the zombies that are still in the mall up and test. Test 1# I throw it at a zombie and it was a fail.test 2# I put it on one of their feet. (the next few test are very repetitive and boring so i'll skip them)
Yet I am still testing, have only slept once and my body forces me to. Test 168# (oh yeah I got more crystal)I crushed a crystal up into dust and threw it at him.I feel like I did not get all of the zombies in the mall. I go out to find out. I walk down the mall every step I take. It sounds 10 times louder. my friend John but he's surrounded by them.i take out a crystal I brain with me and put it on his head and he goes back into a human. I put my finger up to my mouth to say shhh. He listens and when we get back we think of how to turn them back.he sees one of my tests and gets an idea. “Put the crushed crystal in some water,”John says. I reply with “you're the smartest kid in schools l and that's it”? We try it and the zombie freezes and after a few seconds moves again.”Let's try again later after we sleep. I'm so tired, `` John said.
I notice at night that the sky does not change much from day times, it's just gloomy. I think we need to put it into a blood stream. I get near and I sneak behind a zombie then stub it, and it works but he screams when he wakes and the zombie attacks him and if they did not give mercy they rip him apart it was tirafide but they ignored me. so this is going to take a long time to do I think to myself.”hey we have to get started change the people back you know it don't you” john says
we made more zombie unturners from it.we started with the ones in the mall.”lets do my mum”I said “and mine” John said.we race to our homes I take a box of neddies and he does. He says to me “this are called the neddie of life” he said why haldening a neddie up I reply with “you are bad at naming things”.we get to are homes and I Finley turn my mum back I give her half the and say “turn the rest of the neighborhood back” she nods. I meet with John and we go to the school next.
I brought a crystal with me. When I go past the power plant I accidentally drop it in the slug and it spits out a Perrier crystal that looks like it was man made and glows so bristly that it can light up a room. I was just looking at it just looking. Then a god like figure came down from the sky. He explained to us that this was a test from an aline city and it was a failure and he made that crystal and that if we get it to the top then it would turn everything back to normal to make it faster.(there was more but that's the highlights) so then it was the long journey ahead.
Before we started to go up the power plant some zombies started chasing us and the god yelled at us “oh yeah zombies are coming for you oops”. We ran up the power plant and then the zombie ran on the slug when we had to go on the stairs. There was sludge melting some steers so we had to jump it or go back. Then one of the zombies' arms nearly got me. Then when we were running up the steers a steer broke under my feet. But I made it out. “I can't believe this is happening,” said john..
We were running up the steers then John slipped down a steer then zombies below ripped him apart. There was no sound. I think he did it so I did not worry about him or at least I think. I race to the top as fast as I can see the top. the zombies arms trying to get me reaching as far as the sky. I kept running and running like the fastest man on earth and time was going slower. I jumped across some steers that were meeting. I finally get to the top and place the crystal on a piker leading up to the top of the power plant and then there is a bump and a thump and the same light goes over the world again and reverses the effects of the zombies and what happens when they are around.
When the world went back to normal I remember I got $10,000 from that house I dropped by. But I did not tell anyone what I did and no one knows what I did to save the world. But yes I did realise that my friend died from the zombies. But the world is still wondering what happen to it some people say what they think or they say they know like are some of the ideas that all of homanty got teleported because everyone walk around why they were zombies but there are alot of theories but there is alone a few about zombie well you have to espec it. well that's about it and humanity thinks that we teleported. And that does make some scenes like why everyone somewhere else or why there crash cars but why didn't they see the cars crash . Then when my mum got to my mum she said “leo honey good job” “thanks mum I really mean it.I go home and I finey eat heated food and that have not been canned it was the best taste in the world I can't get over it. And if the zombie theory comes to light I will make it not a thing trust me i've been through alot. “Hey wake up leo we have to sell this book you know the one about zombies” “ oh yeah sorry, I just had the weirdest dream” “huh, what was it about” “ummmm… nothing, but I want.
to go home” “no we need to sell 200 books by timer and the people like other books like the mad science or the mediaeval man with superpowers and ares named the zombies attack wow what a cool name” “ye I got it I got it, just can't wait till this ends and the name is not my falt ” “ye ye we all want to go home dude” “ok jazz” “books books for sale it will be a hit soon maybe”

My favourite part of the story is where the mc wakes up and realises that he was dreaming about the book. Or when the coworker sealing books and he says about the names of the other books
Thanks for reading goodbye.